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Career Pathways Excursion

On Monday 27th March, MJC students have the opportunity to visit Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group to explore career pathways in the local labour market. Talk with Alex or your case worker for further details and a permission note.  

Shark & Ray Encounters Excursion

Wednesday 29th March, Year 11 Science will visit the Shark & Ray Encounters. Experience the true nature of sharks, rays and the weird and wonderful world of the ocean. You can choose to enter the animal's world by going into the water or feed and pat them from the edges of the pools.

Murrook Cultural Center Excursion

On Tuesday 4th April, MJC Year 9 & 10 students will be exploring how poetry, storytelling and culture connect at Murrook cultural centre. Through our journey of Murrook we will immerse ourselves in the culture and stories of the Worimi People. Students will spend the day at Murrook with BBQ lunch provided.

Final day of Term 1 2023

Term 1 at MJC finishes up for all students on Thursday 6th April 2023. We hope everyone enjoys a much deserved break.

School Photos

School Photos will take place on Thursday 4th May 2023.

Westrac Careers Pathway Excursion

Interested in a career with WesTrac? Alexandra will be taking a group of MJC students to WesTrac on Wednesday 7th June 2023. Speak with Alex or your case worker for more details.

Costco Career Pathways Excursion

MJC Juniors will experience what it is like to work in a one of the world’s largest warehouse retailers through a tour of Costco Boolaroo. We will learn about the industry and what you need to be an employee at Costco.

Ninja Parc / Sports Day

Tuesday 1st August, MJC will hold its annual Ninja Parc / Sports Day at Genesis Health and Fitness. Multiple sports will be on offer including indoor soccer, netball, indoor cricket and the indoor obstacle course. See Julie or your caseworker for further details and permission notes.

Disability Careers Expo

Discover opportunities in the local labour market for employment and training.

Westrac Careers Excursion

Discover a career in mining at Westrac. Students will spend the morning learning about careers at Westrac and what it is like to work at Westrac.

Senior Boys Suit Up Day

Senior boys will spend the day learning and developing interview skills and working on confidence outside of school. Students will each have a clear idea of how to respond to interview questions and how to present themselves to potential employers.

Final day of Term 3 2023

Term 3 at MJC finishes up for all students on Friday 22nd September 2023. We hope everyone enjoys a much deserved break.